Warm fuzzy blankets
Bright and cozy fire places
Drinking white hot chocolate with peppermint
Seeing friends and family again
Overstuffed jackets and warm mittens
Brightly colored scarves
Snow that clothes the trees so pure and white - like a virgin bride
Trying to find that perfect gift for loved ones
Night drives filled with dazzling light displays
Putting my Christmas CDs in my car
Playing piano and singing Christmas songs at the top of my lungs
The excitement of a new year's arrival
Reading the stories of Jesus' birth and wondering what it would have been like
Baking hundreds of cookies with my family to pass out to friends
I want to go Christmas caroling
I want to go ice skating
I want to see everyone that I miss
I want to wrap up in my warm blanket and drink hot cocoa while watching the snow fall
I want to help decorate a Christmas tree
I want to help bake an extravagant Christmas meal
Can I just push pause for a moment?
Can this just never end?
I find myself holding my breath and hoping it doesn't pass too quickly.
Hoping it doesn't pass before I can take in every little moment and save them in my mind.