Friday, November 11, 2016

Playing My Heartstrings


if emotions are your music
and expressions are your riffs
my heart is your instrument
and your words are the pick
and the chords that you keep choosing
make me confused
because it's major and then it's minor
but beautiful always so beautiful always

this heart is out of rhythm
you forgot to tune it, love
and out of all the chaos in my heart
you somehow increase the confusion
but the chords that you choose
are exquisite
because it's major and then it's minor
but beautiful always so beautiful always

this song, it keeps building
and i can't figure out where it's going
because the chords are a jumble
and my heart is being played
the harmony is so beyond me
i'm shamelessly confused
because it's major and then it's minor
but beautiful always so beautiful always


  1. You have such an amazing way with words and you seem to produce pieces very quickly. I am Lexi, and I have been following your blog for a week or two now. I enjoy the things you write. May I ask, do you write out of experience, out of imagination, or a bit of both? Thank you so much.

    1. Hi Lexi, Thank you so much for your kind words (: I guess when I first started out writing, it was mostly experience that I drew from. However, as time has went on I have been experimenting more and more with my imagination which has been a huge growing experience for me and very rewarding and fun. I would say currently, about 10% of my work is from experience and the rest is my imagination (: As for producing pieces quickly... I have always been compelled to write - it's something I've done as long as I can remember. And they do tend to just produce themselves. I really don't edit much, what you read is the raw form that presents itself on paper - for better or for worse I feel like it helps me keep my focus as I write and as the words come out, knowing that I won't be going back and editing it. It also allows the work to flow more easily, at least for me.

    2. Great, thanks for replying. Take care Lorraine. Keep writing.
